Where I am
2013-11-24 at 9:30 p.m.

Shopping online for something special, waiting for it to arrive in the mail, checking the mail daily to see if it has arrived.

Sleeping, waking with the craving of more sleep. Uninterrupted sleep. Napping, waking and feeling worse than before.

Working, busy with irritated customers who are drunk or hungover and rude.

Family time, too short. Breakfast of pancakes, orange juice and silly chatter. Playtime and cartoons and dancing. Hugs. Love. Lots of it.

Planning. Something big is in the works. Excited and scared all at the same time.

Happy with my life. Happy with how things played out, all of my choices and decisions, good or bad, led me where I am. Married. Child. House. 2 cars. Who cares about cars. Faithful husband, happy, healthy toddler. Bills paid. Bellies full.

I don't know what I did to deserve so much. Maybe I didn't do it yet, maybe it's all still in the works. But I am so thankful, so honoured, proud, and humbled.

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