Cat thoughts
2011-05-13 at 9:45 a.m.

While I know that Tibby has a foster home to go to in the near future, I struggle daily with the fact that we may be giving her away. I look at her and feel my throat choking up and tears in my eyes.

I went shopping last night with my mother, and in the middle of the pet aisle it hit me that I wouldn't be buying Tib's favorite cat food soon. And, I started to cry. In public, in a store.

She is a member of our family. You don't give away a family member due to available or unavailable space! Right?

I have no idea where to put her litterbox. None whatsoever. The closest thing to a possibility I can think of is under the bathroom sink, and even then, I'm not so sure it would be the best option for anyone.

Even though I know it will break my heart to give her to my sister & her family, I really am not sure I can go through with it. What if Tibby thinks we hate her?

The idea is if we buy a house in the next year, two years or even three years, we would most certainly be taking her back. Even if we move to a bigger place and are still renting, we would take her back.

Should we try the litterbox under the bathroom sink, or do we go through with the plan of giving her to my sister?

I have no idea.

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